Friday, September 20, 2013

It's about TIME

There are so many things that keep us all apart. We have continental drift that is pulling us all apart this way and that. Then we still haven't recovered from the fallout in communications from the tower of Babel. 

I mean first the flood and then making it so we all speak different languages? And that was all so we would go forth into the world that was just decimated by a flood? 

So finally our great maker figures out that if we are given cars, and gas ain't too expensive, we'll go forth and multiplying all over this great planet of ours. So we've done what we've been told to do (finally), a little too well I guess, cuz now our holiness is melting all the icecaps and glaciers on this planet and trying to flood us out again. Go figure?! 

OK, so where was I? Modern day. The Year 2000. Here and now, so what is there keeping us apart now? Well it's Time. We are all separated and working in different time zones. Well our fearless leader didn't make that up, we did. It's the silliest thing, and we aren't doing anything about it. How are we going to explain this to the aliens when they land? How embarrassing. 

How about we just have one Earthtime for everyone, with everyone on the same time. How easy is that?! NO! There's no daylight savings time either. No jumping forward, and no leaping back in time. Just one set time for all of us. 

Time, it's just a fabrication anyway. You can set Noon to whenever you feel like along with Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall, but the time should be the same for everyone. No one traveling around the world in airplanes would ever have to reset their watch again, how great does that sound. How about you fly somewhere that is 8 hours away and then when you get there it's actually, guess what, 8 hours later. WoW. Brilliant. Not to mention that the cost savings of a world using one time would be huge! 

But most importantly, we wouldn't be a world separated by time any more! We'd unite and all live together in the same world at the same time as one big happy family.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Toxic Government Prejudices Veiled in Our Tax Code

I just don't think the government should have a say in marriages (and a number of other things). That really seems to be what it boils down to if we want to resolve the issues. 

First of all, separation of church and state comes to mind also. 

I don't see what the government gains by it, except for control of tax dollars.
Yes yours and my money. 

And we all know money talks and that's what keeps us in this mess. People with a certain point of view contributing their tax dollars to political campaigns that are bent on stick there nose into things they have no right to. 

There wouldn't be any quibble about it if the government just stop trying to control things through tax code. I'm sure there'd be an uproar but not a quibble. 

It's written into the tax code to give preferential compensation to married couples. What is that for? To entice those couples who are on the fence with a tax break so they go ahead and tie the knot? Or is it suppose to keep us in a marriage we aren't happy with? Either way, obviously couples need to go into marriage on their own accord and not because of tax dollars incentives being dangled in front of them.  

I've been married and I've been single. I got nothing against either. When I was married I really didn't know why I should be getting a tax break for that. Tax breaks for married couples spits in the face of our constitution and equality for all.

What's next, a tax break for your sexual orientation?! Well I guess that's what the government's marriage policies boil down to for some people, and I don't believe those folks are all that happy about it. 

I just think, as Americans, we should all have the same rights and tax policy as everyone else. And not have to live under different policy variations arranged according to the way the government or IRS taxation policies decide to socially group us. 

A separate but related issue; tax breaks for dependent children? You better be able to afford your own kids and  not require handouts to properly take care of every one that pops out. This is a similar but different issue than marriage, but a is nonsense approach that does not really solve the needs of the parents or the children that really need it. 
Also I have thoughts about taxation for "religious orgs." I think separation of church and state means not treating them differently. Giving  tax breaks to a particular government accredited religious group, seems like the government sticking there nose into religion when and where they shouldn't be. 

It seems a church membership is a lot like a Gym membership. Why tax one different than the other? 
Also I have thoughts about taxation for non-profit Orgs and Political Orgs.

If they were actually non-profit and not making any money, you wouldn't have anything to tax in the first place. 

And we know the IRS mess in the news lately about tax break accreditations being held up for tea party groups. But if you dig deep enough into that, you'd see the IRS shouldn't have been providing special tax status to any political groups in the first place, and in doing so, is violating congressional law.
It certainly seems obvious that government is using the IRS and taxation as a manipulation tool, and that it's shrouded beneath the unmanageable knotted web of complexity of it all.

Saturday, April 06, 2013


It was early in the morning still and quite but for the wind and waves as I walked along the ocean's edge. I could see a sunbather off in the distance and thought how nice it was to be cradled in the sun soaked sand. Her smooth and polished body and limbs bask and glowed in the heat of the morning sun. The seagull's cry overhead startled me, and had me worried now for her, there alone and so still in the sand. I found myself running to her filled with worry and delight at how silly I'd feel when I got there to find her warm and well. As I got closer and closer I could see her glorious body so curvaceous and smooth, glowing like the well polished surface of driftwood after its long and arduous journey it made from some distant far away land. I found myself running to her now filled with hope and desire, my muse pulling me to her. I offered no resistance and spun my wheels running in the sand not making the progress I so desired. My heart was pounding harder with every step I ran. I knew I had to be with her.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Folding the Laundry

So I was folding whites from the laundry this morning, or in the process of getting to that. No music playing, so just my own thoughts to contend with. I took off my down vest as folding cloths gets me warmed up, and I had it on because I'm trying some new automated settings with the thermostat and apparently at the moment should still be under the covers in bed sleeping. In getting started I also opened the bedroom blinds to let the light in. Yes I make the bed and fold the clothes there. Work shirts or clothes that get hung up have preference get plucked and hung first.

There was a boy out in the backyard a few houses down on the left I could see out the window all bundled up swinging on the play-set. I kid still playing on a swing, how wonderful, all alone so sort of sad, but almost getting horizontal on the sweep of the swing so nice to see the effort there.

What to do about her. Yes her. The one I harp over to myself and her who doesn't shut me out for it. I called her a ghost in a message as we are on a first name bases but then that being about all the personal info I know about her except her occupation and the town she's  in. Thinking about it  there folding clothes I was thinking I should have said internet ghost instead of ghost on probably not said it at all. I was trying to allude to the fact that with the little bit I new about here there was really no corporal connection we could ever make or that she is particularly clever in side stepping. I'm still hanging on to the maybe I got from her on that.

Well I've seen photos, many photos, all sorts of photos, of her so it was more of a jab about not seeing her in the flesh. She's quite the duck, not much ruffles her feathers and she lets a lot roll off her back. Not much gets to her, but the thing that do are quite understandable and warranted. She has her limits to what and how much she'll take. It keeps me on my toes as I don't want to be on the receiving end of a warranted spanking from her so it helps me to examine what I'm really want to and am trying to say before I write it. I'm quite taken with her she's really something. I get jealous though of the time she puts into countermanding idiots and wish I could get that amount of attention from her. She doesn't like rude/mean comments to her or her minion and she doesn't like stalkers, so you see how her online presents could be kept quite busy with that. She did just hired someone to work with her who was also someone from online so it does look like a real friendship or relationship could be possible. I wouldn't want that job though. I have my principles, and it seemed the previous employee for that position was just the opposite. Not that there are lines I wouldn't cross under the right circumstances but that job was just too messy and I don't like the idea of jail time.

Anyway, so I'm folding cloths wondering how I could possibly fit in and get started for real with her if it were ever possible and by gods grace she were ever possible. Some things came to mind of course. Well Taylor Swift has this camera commercial where this girl gets to tour with her and take pictures of her with her Sony camera. So this woman I like is very beautiful and I was thinking how awesome that would be with her.

She told me she was traveling so I opted to be her chauffeur but heard nothing back about that. I thought it would be a good idea, in that she'd be freed up to prepare and review in the car with her business.

Then there is the idea of being part of her entourage. Get to be with her see that she's safe and all so I'd like that. A lot of this seems like stalking, but the big difference between that and being creepy is that she wants you to. I'm waiting to here that she wants me for something anything.

She has a few properties so I'd be happy to see that those were maintained and cared for. I'd like to see that she was taken care of, and be the one doing the caring for that. The other thought I had was a multi-sport obstacle course type of race thing going on not far from the town she's from and I know she runs and I could mention and invite her to participate in that with me. That would be lots of fun and I think is one of my best ideas. I'd enjoy the travel and since it's not in her town it would be good neutral territory to meet in so I'd think that would make her  more comfortable and less apprehensive about things - meeting someone from online.

The problem and opportunity that is happening though is that she is moving to other internet sites due to a closing of our site which isn't actually going to happen it seems. But that has got everybody looking to go elsewhere and not check messages at the site we were at much anymore. So hearing from her most infrequently now and when I do it's short to the point messages about how she's not coming to the site anymore. This leaves me feeling lost and abandon. She has to be the one to turn this around, I told her how much I care so if she doesn't step up and do something, I don't know what to do. It's frustrating but more-so I just miss her and worry I'm loosing her.

And with that I think of my business and what I can control and take care of, so turn my focusing on those things and advancing on that front. I'm not one to handle standing still, I like moving forward. I don't know if she's worried about me holding her back? She's got it in her head that she's doesn't need anyone, but I worry that's just because it wasn't the right ones for her that she's been with in the past. It wasn't me and I'm not them. I don't think being with someone, the right one, would prevent either of us from moving forward and think that should help that. She's the right one, and I'm the right one for her, but how can I gently club her over the head to get her to see all that?

Saturday, December 08, 2012
Kaor Good Peoples of Barsoom,

As currently mandated by the Barsoomian High Council, SEQUESTRATION goes into effect January 2, 2013 (earth time) enacting broad-based reductions in spending.  To quote myself, John Carter Warlord of Mars, as stated before the Barsoomian High Council, "this situation will devastate our national defense and irreparably harm the defense industries manufacturing base."  Should SEQUESTRATION occur, it would have a substantial, negative impact on the Jeddak I serve under, resulting in a significant loss of the defensive and retributional weaponry and armaments needed to fight off the influx of marauding green hordes.  Further, it has been estimated that sequestration could result in the loss of more than two million primary and secondary support agents across our empire, driving the homeless level well above nine percent, and causing severe harm to the stability of Helium Prime.

My Jeddak (Tardos Mors the Jeddak of Helium) has launched the electronic information kiosk where you can go to communicate with your sector's Council representatives on this issue.  Through this electronic information kiosk, you, other family members, and friends will be able to generate personal letters of appeal asking your sector representatives to stop sequestration.  I encourage you to at least look into the issues and ramifications regarding SEQUESTRATION.  Your participation is strictly voluntary and could be dangerous. A code red alert has been issued advising to be on the lookout for High Council assassins and spies.  Hopefully with enough action on all our parts the effectivity date, or SEQUESTRATION itself, can be changed or repealed and replaced by a less harmful and workable budgetary control device.

Prince of Helium,
Mitchem Warlord of Mars

An Ally on Mars

Due to the relatively lower gravitational force on Mars, my strength was magnified many times compared to that which it was on Earth. Deimos and Phobos did little to help illuminate the lichen filled dead seabed that stretches out into the darkness surrounding me. Having just arrived and not actually knowing I was on Barsoom with it's two moons hurtling across the sky overhead I my military training instinctively had me attempt to scout out my location. Trying to move about at night was awkward and dangerous. Unaccustomed to the lower gravity I was getting banged up and bleeding from my attempts to just walk, so I settled down where I last had fallen and waited hoping daylight would fall upon this alien landscape.

Daylight did arrived and the frost that covered everything slowly evaporated, the shimmering white expanse that surrounded me dissolved into a mottled gray-green. The step I took in my attempt to set out and explore sent me hurtling high above, up and over the darkly shadowed broken rocky landscape. Gaining agility with every bound, I proceeded on to where I knew not. My immediate goal was to get out and beyond this endless dead seabed without battering and bruising myself too severely in the process.

It was hard to tell on my first day of travel on Mars as it all was quite new and odd, but I could not fight off the sneaky suspicion I was being watched. This feeling was surely fostered by the low rumbling sounds coming from out beyond the distant boulders. I set out to make a beeline to anywhere but here.

My mode of travel was bounding haphazard jumps that generally took me forward. I needed to focus and pay close attention while airborne to the terrain and rocks below me in order to prepare for the preferred  clean two point landing. This gave me only a split second to glance out to determine a path, but in those glances from the corner of my eyes I'd swear I saw movement. Where I had particularly open areas to land in I took the opportunity to turn my head to look around at the apex of my bound but I saw nothing; only the still lichen covered boulders that extended on out into the hazy shimmering horizon. I knew I needed to press on in haste because if there was something out there, I couldn't be leaving it a scented bloody trail to stalk me any better, or provide it a more  conspicuous spectacle in the sky to target and attack.

It was only later that I was to learn the name of the hideous beasts that were stalking me as foothills finally came into sight through the red barsoomian haze. The banth were all about in a feeding rage and closing in.

This eight-legged beast is the most ferocious carnivore which roams the low hills surrounding the dead seas of Mars. It is almost hairless, having only a great, bristly mane about its thick neck. It's long lithe body is powerfully muscled, its enormous jaws are equipped with several rows of long needle-like fangs, and its mouth reaches to a point far back of its tiny ears. It has enormous protruding eyes of green. My only hope was to find high ground in the near hills where I might best position myself to wage a proper defense.

I had bounded into the rocky hills not seeing hide nor hair of any of the stalking beasts. Much to my avail I had little time to wonder what dissuaded them from following when the assault began. Odd blue humanoid creatures with mouths and hands like octopus and bodies that were a cross between human and kangaroo.

I made my way up a rocky mound to find Tars Tarkus there fighting off the lot of them. With his 4 limbs and 2 legs standing  9 feet tall he was getting the best of them but they were not letting up. He saw me and we had no time to quibble. He tossed me a side arm and I fought for my life. 

Mt. Shasta Climb

Mt. Shasta Climb - Traversing the Snow Field

Mt. Shasta - Enjoying the View

Dad and I at Grandma's in Temecula

Dad and I at Grandma's in Temecula

Water Skiing Little St. Germain Lake

Water Skiing Little St. Germain Lake

Rocky Mt. National Park Odessa Lake

Rocky Mt. National Park Trail to Odessa Lake
Rocky Mt. National Park Odessa Lake

Save Our Heartland

Juan Santo started off raising crops in the Danish West Indies. Then as the business grew so did Mr. Santo's ambitions. Mr. Santo was know by many names; Don Juan Santo, Don the Man Santo, but most often he just went by the name Muan Santo. Muan Santo got his hands in local government and kept in touch with politicians on the hill. The money he got from his crops he quickly replanted in the pockets of the chief of police and local politicians.
With business booming he knew the only way to grow was to capture a broader market. He had his eye on moving and looked for a new place to base his business. A place where law-and-order and justice-for-all was just a code name for morally-corrupt and welcome to the land where capitalism is king. Muan Santo knew right where he needed to go.
Muan Santo no longer had the bother of customs and coast guard payoffs or the transportation costs from his new location smack dab in the center of the midwest US of A. His headquarters was in Creve Coer Missouri were he thought to divert piles of cash into the hands of local politicians and police. No better way to take control than to get people to take dirty money and lots of it. All in the name of bettering the community for ones self of course. Muan Santo continued with their successful business model, and with the wheels greased and all the pegs falling properly in place the sky was the limit. No one dared contend with Muan Santo, and so the business grew by leaps and bounds.
The hybrids he had developed in the West Indies grew tall and strong in the humid hot Missouri summers. Muan Santo had the best and most potent crop, and found the local growers unorganized and easy to bring aboard or get rid of. With the proper payoffs he got the government to give him lucrative contracts for hemp for war efforts. He got politicians to pass laws to legalize use for medicinal purposes. Laws got passed so Muan Santo could patent the genetic footprint of all their hybrid plant varieties. If that wasn't enough Muan Santo even got subsidies from the government in the guise of a farmer's aid bill. Muan Santo was now set to plant everywhere, and anywhere.
What land Muan Santo couldn't take outright, got sucked away by proxy. The wind and weather spread Muan Santo plants-on-steroids far and wide, contaminating neighbor farms fertile fields like the wild weed they were. The farmers had to leave these invading foot soldiers to grow and multiply on their land in silent fury or face reprisal and persecution from Muan Santo gang members. If they were caught trying to pull them out they'd be arrested for harvesting. Defending oneself from accusations of being an unlicensed grower and a patent thief became an rather tiresome and unproductive pastime for more and more farmers. With Muan Santo owning patent on all the seeds, the farmer couldn't collect the seeds, plant them, and partake in this profitable harvest without the real probability of a Muan Santo lawsuit, litigation, and the real fear and possibility of losing the ranch.
And if that isn't bad enough, if a neighboring Muan Santo field were to cross pollinate with your heirloom seed crop you can't harvest and plant seeds from your own crop. Your crop is contaminated by Muan Santo and instead of being able to sue them, they'll be bringing you to court for harvesting seeds because they now contain part and parcel of Muan Santo's hybrid plant DNA. The present situation is unprecedented, at least since the time of serfdom. Farmers have either sold out or lost their land to Muan Santo. And so it goes, such is the sorry state we find ourselves in today.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Woman Like to Laugh, Really!?

I'm single, yes that's right... old and single. So I'm stuck at home watching Last Comic Standing on TV tonight. It's funny. So being single I hang out at the singles bars... online. That would be the dating websites. So I go through checking out the profiles. Well what's the one most common thing I see women are looking for? "I want a guy who can make me laugh." Really? It's not just that you're saying that cuz you're home alone, single, depressed, and writing your fricken profile on an online dating website thinking, how has it come to this? I do see how you could really use a laugh right about then, but do you really want to date a clown? And you know, guys aren't looking through dating sites for a woman that makes them laugh. They'll watch Last Comic Standing or play a Dane Cook CD if they want a laugh. A guy doesn't spend a week's salary to wine and dine a lady in hopes that she'll laugh at him all night. Quite the opposite. We want to be suave, sophisticated, and try to avoid being laughed at. So you see the real dilemma and incongruity we both are facing trying to get together. But watching this really funny show, I'm thinking how those comedians really must have the babes lined up. There's really just not enough good comedians to go around. I'm not a comedian. I'm an artist, who's about as funny as watching paint dry. Why don't we best leave comedy to the professionals. So what do you say we just have a fun night out on the town once in awhile checking out the comedy clubs enjoying each others company and having some laughs together.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting the Wheels Turning

The Perfect Engine

The main purpose of an engine is to get more out of it than you put into it. Otherwise what's the point. Many engines today consume natural resources. The varying cost of a natural resource could make an engine efficient one day and inefficient the next. The ideal engine has an unlimited and free source of energy to run it. Windmills and waterwheels come close, but the flow of water and wind at some point can vary or stop, which affects the reliability of getting power when you need it.

Waterwheels and Windmills

What's great about a water wheel is that you can dip on edge of the wheel into the water and off you go. The wheel rotates on its axis.

With a wind mill typically the spokes are shaped in such a way as to propel the system. A water turbine like those at a dam work the same way. With a windmill the wind direction varies so the position of the blades changes to accommodate for this variation to places the blades at the correct angle to the wind force for highest efficiency.

Gravity and weather are major players with a water wheel. Gravity brings water down a slope and past the water wheel and weather is counted on to return the water back up the slope again.

Talking about Earth's Gravity

Earths gravity varies due to the distance from the center of the earth. Gravity (G) at sea level is 9.8 m/(sec squared). G is an acceleration. The force of gravity on an object though depends on the mass and relative location of all other matter, F=mG.

Interaction of Gravity of Massive Bodies

Earth isn't the only massive body around. We know that the Moon's gravity effects the tides. If you've been to the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, it's pretty cool to see it go from a bay to a mud pit due to the tide going out.

Variation Due to Resistance

Acceleration due to gravity of free falling objects is the same for any object, no matter what its mass is. There can be other forces acting on the objects due to their size, structure, and what they are moving through that will cause a resistance, so the observed acceleration of the falling objects can be different due to other effects besides gravity.

Gravity on the Playground

With gravity we can see on a teeter tauter that if there is more torque on one side than the other there is rotation about the axle. The torque can be from more mass on one side than the other or due to the distance of the mass from the axis of rotation.

Center of Gravity

The mass of an entire structure (any structure) no matter what its shape may be, can be quantified and located at a particular point called the object's center of gravity. When supported at this point the object will not move or fall over. When supported at any other point of the object, the object will rotate and come to rest with the attachment point, the center of gravity, and the source of gravity all being in a line.

It's Just a Matter of Time

It's just a matter of time.
Are we there yet?
We'll be there in no time.
There's no time like the present.
It's time to wake up.
Time is relative.

Like the change in time (delta-t) for a reaction there is also a delta-t for detecting something. Picking up something that is burning hot is a good example of the existence of this delta-t. If we understood thing around us in an instantaneous way that would reduce the risk of getting burned.

Another example is the mongoose and the snake. To out react something the mix of physical and cognitive reactions need to be quicker. For animals it may simple be that the defensive move for one animal is just mechanically easier and therefore quicker to do. And likewise the attack move. A cat's quick attack is hastened if it is allowed to setup for a pounce first.

How quickly do your senses sense, your neurons fire, and your muscles react? However fast that is, it isn't instantaneous do to our senses depending on their own chemical neurological mechanical and cognitive reactions to take place first. Since what we see and sense isn't instantaneous all that we see and feel is in the past. We do not live in the present. For example the light from the closest star outside our galaxy takes around 4 years to get here. That means it's possible that that flickering light you are gazing at in the night sky, may not be a star at all but only it's last wink of light sent out into the cosmos over 4 years ago.

So what is our present, an individuals present state? Relative to things around us it is in the past, but if we consider it relative to ourselves and our understanding and sensation of things then it is the present. That works most of the time for the mundane. Accidentally burning oneself is a wake up call regarding the relative state we preside in. There's no time like the present.

The Big Bangs Theory:

Why just one big bang? the Universe compresses in on itself till it's just a point in empty space and then explodes and expands. Something tells me that if it happened once, it can and does happen again... and again. It's like getting through winter and thinking it wont ever get cold again... it does. So civilizations rise and fall, paint peals and buildings collapse, and in the end we all gets sucked back in on ourselves just to explode again and again, over and over ad infinitum.

So what if our realization of time were so freakin slow, so beyond slow that in what we perceive as just a blink of an eye there's been a big bang plus a blink and all seeming to be congruent and kosher? Now what if it weren't just on big bang in a blink of an eye but a big bang for every instance of realization, like frames on a movie film with big bangs being that black part between each frame and we just happen to end up on the next frame every time? And what if history doesn't repeat itself or big bangs either, or at least not every time? But for the big bang sequence we're following it does in between all the other big bangs and other universes that are created and destroyed a gazillion times and that we don't even realize cause we're always just on the gazillionth frame of the film. We're like a can of living sardines that get all packed up into each other and then explode repetitively forever cycling between all the other exploding canned items on the shelf, like we're just one chamber of a gazillocycle engine.

Now that would sure explains a lot of things.